embodied holiness
embodied holiness
We know and encounter God physically…
temples of resurrection.
Your body is good and God is interested in healing it.
Healing the body sometimes looks like prayer
and sometimes it looks like habits…
usually both.
In 2019, I (Mari) became suddenly and devastatingly sick.
Previously a picture of health and decent-ish eating habits,
I was suddenly nearly bedridden with digestive issues and bizarre autoimmune symptoms… doctors couldn’t tell me what was making me violently ill every day and my face to be a solid piece of acne with falling out hair.
The path to healing looked like pursuing radical lifestyle changes first, followed by prayer.
I knew that all the healthy living in the books wouldn’t finish what had already been accomplished by Jesus.
After a year and a half of steady changes and deep tenacity, in 2021, someone prayed for me and all remaining symptoms immediately cleared.
In the process, I learned to take care of and honor my body as a temple of God’s presence
with rest, nutrition, movement and hydration.
My habits have changed, but my faith has grown.
Here are a few keys I’ve found on the journey.
RHYTHmof wholeness
This is Purely anecdotal and not medical advice, you are responsible for your own body.
I believe jesus can heal your body.
Even as you read this page.
Walk in the light
If you walk in the light…
In order to sleep on a regular sleep schedule,I keep my body in tune with the light.
On rising, I try to not look at my screen’s blue light and instead head outside to get early morning sun on my face.
At night, I shut off lights an hour before bed and regularly track my body temperature and sleep.
Sleep takes care of itself when you’re in the light… and God gives the beloved sleep.
You are made of water. Spoken into existence, molecules dancing at the sound.
Filtered water is a necessity in our world. I have a Berkey filter that removes plastics and chemicals.
However it also removes necessary minerals and salt. Salt helps our body retain water, so if it’s gone, so is your hydration.
In order to intake my 80 oz of water daily, I drink herbal tea infusions and supplement with salt.
Living Water
Bread of life
The body is more than food,
and it is also composed of what it consumes.
My skin and gut began repairing when I concentrated on protein first. I eat 1 gram of protein for every pound I weigh, daily.
I also pay attention to the quality of the food that I eat. Instead of eating out, I primarily stock food from quality sources that don’t add things to their food.
Eating seasonal and local food as I supporting local farmers is my final criteria for what goes in my body.
Live and move… have your being.
I walk 7500 steps a day and regularly weight train.
It’s simple to weight train at home and to track your movements. Below are some great links I’ve found.
walk in the way
The environment that we live, sleep and eat inside of impacts how our body metabolizes all of the above.
The company we keep & the thoughts in our mind change how our bodies function. The next part of the site is about the mind.
Good Company
Trusted Friends
Nutrition Rewired
Erin Kenney is a certified nutritionist.
She is available online.
free and paid resources available. -
Forever Healthy LLC
Nick and Noelle teach online courses and share practical insights on human physiology rooted in science.
Noelle’s instagram is a great source of recipes and taught experience. Free and paid content available. -
Sarah Kleiner
Sarah Kleiner provides simple and affordable solutions for healing root hormonal health through natural patterns of sun management and circadian rhythms.
Embodied holiness
Embodied holiness
A healthy body is the foundation for a healthy mind…
the two dance together.
Treating your body as sacred
overflows straight into the mind.