Beloved, not bitter.Lots of exchanges.
How in the world could I be bitter
When every day is some new revelation of love?
As the revolution turns,
It dips me deeper within and then flips me right side out.
I have every reason and every right to be bitter.
I’ve plummeted into some crazy depths
Mostly not of my own doing
My body has experienced the pain of recovery
Because recovery doesn’t come easy.
But if it came easy,
Would we know the Voice
That speaks us into being
Even half as well?
I struggled for a long time
Being around folks
Who said that God never says anything hard
Never leads us through the valley of the shadow
Never course corrects us.
Because I know God as the only One who never leaves me.
The One who walks with me in the middle of nowhere
Who sticks by me when everyone else leaves.
God sticks to me like Honey.
This is why I am letting the bitterness slide
To be replaced with honey
That binds up wounds.
Did you know that the ancients
Used honey as an antiseptic?
Sweetness heals.
There is a sweetness in God
That heals quicker and faster
Than any counseling, healing modality or physical building
That I know.
Not against these things.
Very much into these things.
Very much will go toe to toe with you, dollar for dollar,
Hour for hour on all the above.
Health is worth investing in
Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit.
But there is a place
Beyond all that I can do
Where the sweetness of God
Comes in and takes the sting.